Saturday, November 7, 2009

combat soccer

A Couple of days ago I saw this article which made me remember a sport that we played when I was in the military.  We called it combat soccer mainly because we played it at the soccer field with a soccer ball.  This is where the similarities between the official version and our version end. 

Once the platoon arrived at the soccer field we were divided up into two teams.  Then the platoon sergeant would assign each team a goal and go over all of the rules of the game.  I still remember all of the rules pretty much verbatim so here they are;

1.    Don’t kill each other.
2.    If you get the ball in the goal you get a point.
3.    The team with the most points wins.

During one game I remember running to catch the ball that someone had thrown and seeing something approach me out of the corner of my eye.  I don’t remember the rest of that day, but I think it was fun. 

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