Monday, December 21, 2009

Avatar More

Earlier I mentioned that Avatar made me think of "Dances with Halo".  The post was real short and I feel like you need a little more explanation.

The "Dances with Wolves" thing comes from the main character being left in enemy territory alone and becoming a member of the enemy tribe.  There are some other aspects to the story that set it apart, but that's the main story.

The Halo reference comes from the idea of marines in space.  Also the way the technology looked advanced, but not too very far advanced from what we use today reminded me of Halo.  In Halo and Avatar the characters were using bullets instead of energy weapons of some kind.  The vehicles were not using some anti-gravity field to move around.  I could imagine the military using battle suits like the ones shown in the movie for this type of thing.  They look lighter than tanks, and I would suspect that legs wouldn't come off the vehicle like treads do sometimes. The downside to this is that they look taller than a tank which means that they are easier to hit.

The graphics were good enough that I couldn't tell that they were graphics.

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