Yesterday I posted about a problem I had with the Droid voice search. I have fixed the problem. Well, I think I fixed the problem. When I posted the problem on this blog I also posted a complaint on the Motorola support forum. Doing this required me to register which in turn required the serial number of my phone. So it is possible that one of the techs at the support group reached out and fixed something over the air, but they haven't taken credit for doing it. I handle some of the helpdesk calls at work and I take credit for fixing stuff if they call me. I do this even if I didn't do anything to fix the problem because I will get the blame for the computer not working even if I didn't mess it up. So I think I fixed the problem.
Here is what I did:
First I exported all of my contacts from Outlook. I have multiple email addresses, and almost all of my contacts are in Outlook.
Next I imported them to Gmail.
Then I went into settings > Privacy> factory data reset. I had to reactivate the phone. When I did I only told it about my gmail account.
Then I called someone.
Then I joined the phone to one of my other accounts and tested the phone call again.
Here's what I think the issue was:
I think that the phone does not look at Exchange contacts in the same way as it looks at Gmail contacts. The first time I tried the voice dial thing I tried to call someone who was not on the Gmail contact list. Somehow this confused it and it got stuck searching the web instead of looking at the contacts.
I didn't spend as much time as usual trying to get my thoughts into coherent words this time. I apologize for this. I just wanted to get this fix posted.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
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Great post. This is a very frustrating problem IMO. I love my Gmail account but I don't want to sync my 900+ contacts from my Exchange account into my Gmail account and then try to worry which address book has current info, or run some other sync applicaiton to keep everything together.
ReplyDeleteI'm still getting used to my Droid... not sure if I am going to keep it. I still have y figers crossed that the Palm Pre will arrive at VZW shortly.
Good to know someone outside my family noticed the blog. I'm not sure what to tell you about the 900 contacts. I have a total of 201 and I don't update them that often. Many of them wouldn't know me if I called them. I can tell you that if they are the same in both places that they get combined in the phone's contact list. Also, once you have them in the phone if you go into edit the contact it splits the two of them under two headings so that you know which one you are editing. This is almost understandable since you might have contact info for a person that you don't want to put on your corporate exchange server. On the other hand, I'm a system admin and I can tell you that the very last thing that I'm likely to look at is your exchange contact list. I can't think of a good reason to do so. I would if I needed to. I just can't think of any reason I might need to get someone's contact list if they don't want me to. I have other things to do.